#Turrets Settings:
/turrets - Will show you a list of possible commands for the turrets.
/turrets on - Turns on all turrets in range.
/turrets off - Turrns off all turrets in range.
/turrets high - Turrns all turrets in range to high.
/turrets medium - Turrns all turrets in range to medium.
/turrets low - Turrns all turrets in range to low.
/turrets all - Turrns turret targeting to all.
/turrets playertamed - Turrns turrets to players and tamed dinos.
/turrets player - Turrns turrets to players only.
/turrets wild - Turrns turrets to wild dinos only.
/turrets tamed - Turrns turrets to tamed dinos only.
/turrets playermounted - Turrns turrets to players and mounted dinos
/fill - Fills all the turrets in range with an equal amount of ammo, you need to have ammo in your inventory.
#ORP Settings:
/setorp - sets orp to current player location,
- replaces ORP with current location,
/listorp - Gives list of current ORPs,
/orp - will give message saying if you are inside your own ORP or not. And it will tell you if your target has active ORP or not.
#Auto Farm:
/farm - on,
/farm - off,
#Tribe Logs Webhook:
/tribelog - https://discord.com/api/webhooks/.......,